Pacamara Collaborative

Sale price Price $25.00 Regular price

Green Apple, Graham Cracker & Molasses

Process: Washed

Origin : Jinotega and Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Altitude: 1300-1500 masl

Gold Mountain Coffee Growers is a social enterprise that, in addition to its own farm (Finca Idealista), works directly with coffee producers in Nicaragua to connect them with roasters abroad. GMCG is on the ground, all the time, teaming up with producers willing to take the steps necessary (and whose altitude and soil conditions allow them) to produce high-cupping specialty coffee. We literally stand on every partner farm during picking to ensure ripeness with refractometers and ripeness bracelets. GMCG also carries out sustainable development projects in communities, such as free computing classes for girls from coffee communities, medical assistance, microcredit, running water in schools, and educational supplies.


This low-yielding coffee collaboration of several producers with pacamara has inspired us so much by its Fuji apple juiciness that we're planting lots of Pacamara on our farm. Never has a variety shown us such consistently juicy/sugary apple notes with such similarly-consistent smoothness. This is truly an incredibly microlot based on taste--but it's also quite unique based on size. The enormous screen sizes catch customers' attention as well. Enjoy it!