La Paz - Honduras

Sale price Price $21.00 Regular price

Ganache, toffee and macadamia nut


Roast: Dark
Process: Washed & Sun-dried
Origin: Oromia - Guji, Ethiopia // Uraga District
Varietals: Catuaí, Lempira, Ihcafe 90
Altitude: 1,250 - 1,700 masl

Café Orgánico Marcala, S.A., COMSA, is a society comprised of small coffee producers in the Marcala Region of La Paz, Honduras who aim to improve economic, social and environmental conditions for farmers in the region by focusing on lowering poverty rates and promoting sustainable development. Since the group first began in 2001, it now has 1,573 members who come together to continue their learning, training and innovation within their community.
This Rainforest Alliance & Organic certified lot from Marcala was harvest at peak maturation, placed in a de-pulper to remove the red part of the cherry from the bean, and then left in a fermentation pile for the outer shell of the bean (parchment) to further loosen the remaining pulp and mucilage. After fermentation, the coffee is then washed, sun-dried on patios, and additionally dried mechanically until the parchment is entirely dry.